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molecular formula 分子式。

molecular knife

By infrared spectrum study , the limonite ( feooh nh2o ) can be considered the main colorating mineral in the yellow and red jadeite , and the hematite is another colorating mineral in the red jadeite . the difference of color tone is due to the n value in the molecular formula feooh nh2o and the content of crystal water and adsorbent water . the iron ion came from the effloresced and eroded rocks , and formed fe ( oh ) 3 colloid reacted with the surface water 周圍礦床的風化蝕變為表生水提供了鐵質,形成弱酸性的含fe ( oh ) _ 3膠體的水溶液,表生水流經翡翠礦石時, fe ( oh ) _ 3膠體附著在巖石的表面,經過脫水結晶和吸附,形成褐鐵礦膠體,褐鐵礦膠體沿裂隙或松散的礦物顆粒進入翡翠巖石中,逐漸累積沉淀,形成次生色層。

In microscopic aspect , taking no account of physical materials , how to build the relationship between raw materials ( denoted in the form of molecular formulas ) and the final compound components of building materials is discussed 微觀上,拋開具體材料形式,探討原材料配方(這里是以化學元素形式表示)與材料內部最終形成的化學成分的關系。

Through spectrum analysis , its molecular formula is determined as c2oh32o3 . the further structural identification of this compound is in progress . meanwhile , quercetin has been isolated and its content determined by hplc 同時證明了馬尾松松葉中含有槲皮素,并利用高效液相色譜法對其進行了含量測定,結果為0 . 0013 。

It is widely consisted in organisms and also a aminophenol with special physiological function . it is originally found in cattles bile and its molecular formula is nh 為白色針狀結晶無臭味微酸,溶于水,不溶于乙醇乙醚和丙酮,無任何毒副作用。

So in the eye of a scientist , a fresco on the wall is no longer a graphic humanistic picture but a coat of compounds of different molecular formulae 于是,在科學家眼中,墻上的壁畫便不再只是生動的人文景象,而成了具有不同分子式的化合物涂層。

Facing thees numerous and complicated molecular formula , he doesn ' t know what to do , because he is a layman to them . his major is art 面對著這些紛繁的分子式,他不知如何是好,因為他對它們一竅不通,他是學藝術的。

From the molecular formula alone , we can deduce the “ degrees of unsaturation “ in the molecule 僅從分子式,我們就能推斷分子中的“不飽和度” 。

The experimental molecular formula for lignite and its biodegraded products were c 并且降解產物可提高豌豆種子的發芽率并明顯縮短發芽時間。

1 . the potassic feldspar : contains upper the pot - assium , molecular formula : k2oal2o36sio2 鉀長石:含鉀量較高的長石,分子式: k2oal2o36sio2

1 , 4 - glucose polymer and molecular formula is : c 葡聚糖,分子式為: c

Calculation of molecular formula of compounds by hrms data 數據計算化合物的分子式

Substances which have identical molecular formulas but different structural formulas, are known as isomers . 凡具相同分子式但不同結構式的物質稱為異構體。

Before we can assign a structural formula to a compound, we must first know its molecular formula . 在確定一個化合物的結構式之前,首先應知道它的分子式。

From the molecular formula alone, we can deduce the “degrees of unsaturation“ in the molecule . 僅從分子式,我們就能推斷分子中的“不飽和度”。